

Rounded Rectangle: Sarah Jellis walked the reverse route (London to Stratford) during August 2011 in celebration of a ‘significant’ birthday. In these pictures we see Sarah outside Shakespeare’s Globe at the start of her journey, at the 100-mile stage and outside the Bard’s birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon having completed all 146 miles.
Rounded Rectangle: Here we see the West Essex Ramblers, who also walked the reverse route, at journeys end in Stratford-upon-Avon. The photograph is from an article that appeared in the groups local newspaper, the Ilford Recorder. 
This group of ramblers divided the route into 14 sections, each of which was led by a team leader. Their first leg attracted a group of around 80 ramblers although the norm was around 50. After completing Shakespeare’s Way the group  donated £711.85 to the Shakespeare Hospice.
Rounded Rectangle: Accompanied by his friend Stan Williamson, Ivan Block (far left and bottom), from Skegness in Lincolnshire, completed all 146-miles of Shakespeare’s Way in just 13 days. Having completed the walk Ivan commented, “I would certainly recommend this route to others to complete – you will get a great sense of achievement at the end and take back many happy memories”.  
During their journey Ivan and Stan met a couple of walkers (pictured right)  who were walking Shakespeare’s Way in the reverse direction. They had travelled to the UK from South Africa.
Rounded Rectangle: Loitering outside The Globe are Tim Hipkiss, Mike Latchem, Nick Hamlyn and Don Emmerich. Collectively they are known as ’The LAPS’, an acronym that they say will take too long to explain. These four fine gentlemen have just completed all 146-miles of Shakespeare’s Way……….. Still trying to work out LAPS!
Rounded Rectangle: Marian Benjamin and Rosemarie Green are pictured at journey’s end on a very wet January day. After completing Shakespeare’s Way Marian made the following observation..”We had an wonderful walk (in 9 sections) through the most beautiful countryside. We enjoyed every mile of it; the history, wildlife flora and fauna and people we met on the way”.
Rounded Rectangle: Here’s Winston waiting for a swim in the Thames near Barnes and enjoying the Cotswold countryside in Chipping Norton. Winston completed Shakespeare’s Way early in 2014 with his two legged companion, Peter Ashton, pictured (right) with Winston and friend Bill Richardson
Rounded Rectangle: On day trips from their home in Reading, Ann & Kevin Middleton began walking Shakespeare’s Way from Stratford-upon-Avon in May 2006. They finished at the Globe in November 2011.  Here are the start and end photos.
Rounded Rectangle: Here are seven members of a local Nordic Walking group from Henley on Thames. Photographed outside The Globe having completed their walk along Shakespeare’s Way. Group members tackled the route in 12-14 mile sections on Thursdays.
Rounded Rectangle: Here we see Lynne and Paul Atkinson from Penrith outside Shakespeare’s Globe having just completed their walk along Shakespeare’s Way. The second photo is of Lynne descending Stonesfield Steps where our path enters Blenheim Park.
Lynne and Paul broke down the 146 miles into three one week sections completing their journey in November 2017.
Lynne commented …….. “We very much enjoyed the walk, it took us to parts of the country we have never seen with some beautiful winter sunny days on the last section and autumnal days on the first two”.
Rounded Rectangle: Graham Black and his son Cameron set off from Shakespeare’s birthplace in June 2020. Carrying their own food and ‘accommodation’ they completed their walk/run along Shakespeare’s Way in just 4.5 days. A great achievement.
Here we see Graham and Cameron en-route and at journeys end.
Well done to both of you.